Sunday, October 12, 2008

Family pictures

Yesterday morning we were able to get our family pictures taken at a park. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of good pictures we were able to get because the kids did not want to cooperate. Anyway, here are a few of my favorites. It feels so good to have new family pictures. Now all I have to do is get them printed and in frames.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Drew and Jeanine - sealed for eternity

My brother Andrew has married, for time and all eternity, at the Mt. Timpanogos temple, on Saturday, June 28, 2008, Jeanine Marie Eyre, a beautiful and sweet girl from Thousand Oaks, California. They met in Provo while both were attending BYU. We wish them the best of joy and love in their marriage!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Fun in San Antonio

It was great to see Nicole and Timothy and to get to know Mary, again, and get to know Bradley. Here are 3 photos.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Cute Claire

I finally caught Claire smiling on camera. I know, shameless parental boasting photos, but who else is going to tell the world how wonderful our kids are? Anyway, for more photos you can always visit my personal blog - and then click on the blog link. Love you all.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Christmas Cactus

Several years ago Heather gave me a start to a Christmas Cactus from Grandma Bee. It has grown quite a bit over the last 3 years from the 4 leaves it started with. I am very proud of my plant. Before this winter it has only ever had 1 flower before, so we were really excited to get home from Christmas break and find the plant full of buds (If you look really closely you might be able to see some of the tiny pink buds). I thought all of these 40 or so buds would become flowers, but it turned out that most of them just fell off onto the floor, but we did get about 8 -12 flowers. It was beautiful to me.


Does anyone really use tapes anymore? I would guess most of you don't even own a tape player.

I found that I have a collection of tapes that I never listen to anymore or have never listened to in the first place. For some reason I have had a hard time throwing them away though. I feel like they may be important or useful or that someday I will wish I had them to listen to. It's time to finally give up and get rid of them and I have the perfect way to do it: a little girl. She demolished this tape tonight and had the time of her life. She thinks this stuff is so cool. I like to let her destroy some things - aka play with them - so she is okay when I have important things and have to tell her 'no", or "don't touch", or "that needs to stay", or "not for babies."

Friday, February 8, 2008

Before you watch this get a tissue

A friend of mine sent this to me. It is of a girl who wins a reining horse show 24 days after her father past away. Awesome girl and horse.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hey Family

I couldn't find a recent picture of shaun and I, other than wedding pictures from a year ago, so i thought i'd post a picture of the wonderful temple that shaun and i get to go visit in D.C. Isn't it so beautiful? Things here in VA are going really well. Shaun started his masters program at JMU this week, he's teaching early morning seminary, and he's working part-time at the university. He's really busy. I'm working for a company called Mast Landscapes. Most of the time I'm a gruntworker on a crew with a bunch of's not my favorite thing in the world to do, but it is very satisfying to see the transformations you can make to somebody's yard after a full day. The people I work with are really nice though. The full time guys are all married and have kids, it makes it a little bit more comfortable. They are also very religious and I hardly ever hear them swear ( a stark contrast to most of the redneck gruntworkers to be found in the landscape industry, so I got really lucky). I enjoy doing design work the most and hopefully I'll start to get to do more of that in the future. Other than that there isn't a whole lot going on. I sure do enjoy this little blog thingy though, it's so nice to be able to communicate with my family...keep the stories coming. Love you all

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Okay - I know my dad forwards Tara's emails to everyone, but just in case you missed it, here is an excerpt from one of Tara's emails.

So, every morning I wake up, get ready for the day for 31/2 hours (shower, breakfast, study...lots of study), and then I walk outside into my own winter wonderland. I want to sing that song almost every morning when I leave the house...and I usually do:) I love winter. It's so beautiful everywhere. The trees are all white everywhere, and the air is so crisp. Plus, I can hear the snow crunch under my feet. That's fun too. And, when we ride on the bus, and the windows are all frosted over, I often find hand prints or little footprints made by hands. It's makes me grateful to be here.

Are missionaries supposed to be this positive? I am so grateful to have Tara as a little sister. She makes me want to be a better person because she sees so much good in everything. Anyway - I just thought I would share.

Friday, January 4, 2008

What a fun day!

Hi there everyone,

Hope you all had a great holiday. We sure did. I thought you all might like this picture.

Christmas Oranges

We spent Christmas this year in Beaumont Texas with the Longs (That's Timothy's mom). We really enjoyed our holidays and hope you all did too. I realized that Mary loves oranges, or actually just the peals. She couldn't get enough of this one. Cute!