Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Stresses

Just in case anyone needs a little laugh, let me tell you about my Thanksgiving stresses. First, we had mice in our pantry. Yes mice. (Ok, maybe all you farmers are used to mice, but I am a domesticated city gal). After we realized it we bought traps and emptied out the contents of the pantry onto my kitchen table. I cleaned up more mouse droppings than I would care to think about, all the time thinking about the hantavirus and how I didn't want to catch it and DIE. Anyway, we ended up catching six mice. YES, SIX!
Well, since we had all the food out of our pantry and I hated the wire shelves we had in there and we had a guy coming to help us build some other shelves in our house, I decided to ask him to build new pantry shelves. He did a wonderful job, but I realized yesterday that I only had two more days until Thanksgiving and I had unpainted shelves in my pantry and a whole crapload of food on my table. So, last night I started priming my shelves. This is way more work than it should be (it might be easier if I didn't have to feed Claire every half an hour and the other kids weren't constantly begging me to make them food and Tim didn't need help hanging the Christmas lights and I had a terrible cold.) Anyway, the shelves will not be painted on time, but we are having dinner here tomorrow, so I will load my food into my pantry and then take it back out at a later time so that painting can be finished. Doesn't sound so bad, does it?
Well, because the kitchen table was full of food, we ate everywhere else in the house and once one thing in my house gets out of whack, everything goes south, so I now have an entire house to clean before tomorrow. Oh yeah, we have everything pulled out of our other closets and just stuffed in random places around the house so that this guy can build closet organizers in there, too.
I also went grocery shopping this morning (to beat the rush) and couldn't find half the ingredients for the food I was planning on cooking, so I have a new menu to plan. At least the turkey is purchased and thawed, now I just need to brine it.
Oh, and Claire had a doctor appointment this morning and got FOUR immunization shots. This is going to be a fun day!
Oh, and Tim is working nights, so he will be sleeping until dinnertime tomorrow and then he will head off to work while I think about cleaning the kitchen.
So - instead of kicking my butt into gear and getting all of this done, what am I doing? I am sitting at a computer whining about what I have to get done. Maybe tomorrow I will stop and think about all the wonderful blessings we have and I will feel guilty about today - but for right now, I just want to curl up in a corner and cry.


Anonymous said...

I wish I was there to help out. Your story made me laugh. Thank you. Love, Dad.

Anonymous said...

You have my sympathy.I used to get through these days by thinking "this will be funny when I tell it in Relief Society".

Nicole said...

Sorry about your day. I felt pretty terrible for you, but I'm glad you made it. Mice are sick. Like I said, maybe you should get a cat. They have hypoallergenic ones you know.